Being a Doctor after Architecture degree!

Architecture NATA coaching centre

In India, the graduation course in Architecture is a five-year regular professional programme of ten semesters, called B Arch ( BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE ). After the B arch completed successfully,  a candidate looking for a career in Architecture has to register his certificate in the Council of Architecture for practising as Architect by profession. The transition of a person through this process from an architecture student to a Professional architect makes his responsibilities high. He is committed to serve the society, to solve the environmental issues and to protect nature.  The creativity of an architect providing the humanities comfortable and echo friendly spaces designed for healthy living and their many other activities.

The impact of environmental changes on people health, in both the developed and the developing countries are the same and it treats as the most critical issue in the world.
Every minute, 5 children in developing countries die from diarrhoea/malaria.
Every hour, 100 children die as a cause of direct exposure to indoor smoke from solid fuels.
Every day, about 1,800 people in developing cities die as a result of exposure to urban air pollution.
Every month, almost 19,000 people in developing countries die from unmeant poisonings.
(Source: WHO/UNEP survey on health and environment, 2014)
A candidate who is looking for a career in architecture after B Arch should be focused on all the environmental problems effects on public health. Certain issues are listed below.

  1. Contamination of food and Drinking Water
  2. Water Pollution
  3. Air pollution
  4. Nano pollution
  5. Natural disasters
  6. Light and Notice pollution
  7. Wildlife Conservation and Species Extinction
  8. Loss of Tropical Rainforests, Climate Change/Global Warming
  9. Biological pollutants,
  10. Carbon footprint
  11. Consumerism
  12. Dams and their impact on the environment
  13. Ecosystem destruction
  14. Energy conservation
  15. Fishing and its effect on marine ecosystems
  16. Food safety
  17. Genetic engineering
  18. Intensive farming
  19. Land degradation
  20. Land use
  21. Deforestation
  22. Mining
  23. Overpopulation
  24. Resource depletion
  25. Soil contamination
  26. Sustainable communities,
  27. Toxins
  28. Waste

As we know the better living environment gives better health, an architect helps people for their better life. A person who is seriously stated his/ her career in architecture is highly responsible to be aware and be updated on the above sensitive environmental issues around us. On the other hand, we say that an architect is a doctor of all our environmental issues.

Consulting a practicing architect to start living is a good idea

because ‘’The Prevention is better than Cure’’.

Reading recommended

Civil Engineering Vs Architecture

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